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Note: If your rating is under 1500 you may enter either the open singles or the U-1500 singles; but not both.

2018 Alabama Closed Table Tennis Tournament

May 12, 2018

Hosted by   NATTC


29 PLAYERS Entered as of May 9. (Ratings updated May 1, 2018)

Tournament Directors: Michael Wetzel (IU/CR), and Mike Harris, and Chip Patton

mikepong at yahoo.com

We are expecting about 40-50 players. Below is a list of state tournament records.

NATTC presents:

The 2018 Players:

Name City Sgls Dbls Spec USATT Rating Partner
Chao Liao, 2017 champ Auburn C C . 2246 Wentao Du
Ben Hartwiger, 2017 doubles champ Hoover C C Jr. 2133 Ivan Skripnik
Liang Wang Tuscaloosa C C . ~2000 Torin Alter
Ivan Skripnik, 2017 doubles champ McCalla C C Sr. 1929 Ben Hartwiger
Homer Brown Birmingham C . . 1914 .
Ashutosh Tamhane Hoover C . Sr. 1897 .
Chip Patton Huntsville C C Sr. 1865 Daniel Podolny
Xinhua Yin Hoover C . Sr. 1788 .
Glenn Tillery Hampton Cove C . Sr. 1761 Caleb Lenox
Barry Putman Gadsden C C Esq. 1760 Mike Harris
Harry X. He Birmingham C . . 1755 .
Iliyan Arabov Alabaster C . Sr. 1752 .
Michael Wetzel Moulton . C . 1732 Ed Watts
Tom Mann Hartselle C . Sr. 1611 .
Xingran Huang Auburn C C W 1603 Yufei Yan
Daniel Podolny Madison C C Sr. ~1600 Chip Patton
Roger Wang Birmingham C . . 1595 .
Yufei Yan Auburn C C . 1591 Xingran Huang
Torin Alter Northport C C Sr. 1574 Liang Wang
Peyton Glass Birmingham C C Jr. 1554 Li Hsuan Lin (1904)
Wentao Du Auburn B C . 1481 Chao Liao
Tom Alexy Jacksonville B . Esq. 1371 .
H.Q. Yang Huntsville B . . 1356 .
Joel Friedman Huntsville B . . 1335 .
Ed Watts Huntsville B C . 1293 Michael Wetzel
Isaac Sanford Hartselle . B . 1171 Logan Wetzel
John Tipper Birmingham B . Esq. 975 .
Jerome A. Oelrich Madison C . Esq. 929 .
Logan Wetzel Moulton . B . 528 Isaac Sanford

Event Codes:
Sgls: Singles: C = Championship, B = U-1500
Dbls: Doubles: C = Championship, A = A Doubles
Spec: Special: Sr = Seniors, Es = Esquires, Jr = Juniors, W = Women

State records: